OK guys, can you stop making bitcoin podcasts? But seriously. Listening to Bitcoin podcasts is a great way to learn passively. When I started listening, I was really into bitcoin just as an “alternative investment”, and after a few months, I really started to understand what bitcoin was and how it worked. These days, I pretty much only listen to Bitcoin podcasts, all the time. Personally, I think the best bitcoin podcasts are the ones that have a unique niche within the bitcoin ecosystem – not just “what is bitcoin and what will the price be next week”.
There are many different niches within the world of bitcoin podcasts. Some focus on macro economics, some focus on technical developments, some focus on how bitcoin will change our future world, some do interviews with players in the bitcoin ecosystem, and so on.
There’s really more content out there than a single person could ever consume. The Bitcoin ecosystem is thriving, and Bitcoiners are rapidly growing in numbers. Bitcoin is an idea takes hold of a certain type of person and causes obsession.
Killing Bitcoin is like killing an idea
You don’t have to be obsessed with bitcoin to benefit from it; buying and holding is enough. However, I highly recommend getting at least somewhat familiar with what bitcoin is and how it works, so you don’t panic sell those 80% drawdowns, and when you want to actually buy something with bitcoin, you can do it confidently.
You don’t have to become a bitcoin expert instantly. Experiment. Listen around to a few podcasts and see what you like. Here are my favorite bitcoin podcasts, what aspect of bitcoin they focus on, and why I like them.
Plus, don’t forget that you can actually earn sats listening to podcasts using the Fountain Podcast (affiliate) app.
My Top Bitcoin Podcasts
Tales From The Crypt (TFTC)
The best and most important Bitcoin podcast in my opinion is Tales From The Crypt. This is one of the longest running Bitcoin-only podcasts, and the first podcast I started listening to in my Bitcoin education journey. One of the best bits of advice I got from listening to the show is, even if you don’t understand everything they say in the beginning, keep listening and tinkering, and you’ll eventually “get it”. This ended up being true.
TFTC actually a feed with a mix of a couple different podcasts, including Rabbit Hole Recap, Gamcast, Citadel Dispatch (featured below), and bitcoin interviews. The one to focus on IMO is Rabbit Hole Recap.
Rabbit Hole Recap a great podcast because two bitcoin experts cover a bit of everything in the Bitcoin ecosystem. There’s price talk, with Clark Moody’s dashboard, and there’s tech talk, with weekly software updates announcements. Marty rants about the government and freedom, and speculates about unelected bureaucrats in the organizations like the FATF and the WEF, while Matt focuses on Bitcoin privacy best practices and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).
Their different personalities make a podcast that ends up being greater than the sum of each of the two individuals together. It’s original, funny, technically accurate, and plugged-in to the bitcoin social network. If you follow one bitcoin podcast, TFTC should be it.
Related Content
Stephan Livera
The Stephan Livera Podcast is another must-listen podcast for anyone interested in learning about bitcoin. My favorite thing about SLP is that he doesn’t shy away very complex topics, and is always able to break down the information into more simplified language for newcoiners. He is very articulate, and he’s what I would call a very “organized thinker”, which helps me understand these topics. He’ll let a guest respond to his question any way they see fit, but the repeat the information in a more simplified manner for his listeners.
SLP also includes some earlier interviews which are more skewed towards understanding Austrian economics rather than bitcoin, though recently it seems to be exclusively bitcoin focused. I would consider this podcast a bit more technical, and that’s a good thing. Lots of bitcoin podcasts are very “high level” and focus on societal implications rather than how to actually use bitcoin. I think it’s important to listen a balance of both, so I alwasy put Stephan Livera at the top of my listening queue.
Bitcoin Audible
An absolute banger of a podcast is Bitcoin Audible from Guy Swann. This guy is a beast. Every week he reads a couple of texts from people writing about Bitcoin-related topics. I’m a huge fan of this podcast because it means I don’t have to invest 5 hours of my time reading a 40,000-word article. I know I can rely on Guy Swann to do the heavy lifting for me, and I can just put on the Bitcoin Audible podcast for 2-3 hours instead.
Guy reads very clearly, just like you’d hear in a professionally dubbed audiobook, and in fact, he’s done the reading for several audiobook versions of bitcoin books. You can really tell that he knows what he understands the subject matter of everything he reads because his intonation and emphasis is always on point. He’s not just a guy looking at his computer screen reading monotonously like most of us would.
He also takes time at the end of every episode to break down complex topics discussed in the articles, look at things from a different angle, and give his own opinion.
This is a refreshing podcast to have in my feed because it’s not just the typical “interview style” podcast which is so popular.
Swan Signal
Swan Bitcoin was one of the first bitcoin-only exchanges and bitcoin-only services that popped up in recent years. Rather than encourage shitcoin trading, they focus on helping you dollar cost average into a bitcoin position. They are highly involved in various types of education in the bitcoin space, including creating documentary films, featuring writers on their blog, and of course, their Swan Signal Podcast.
The unique thing about Swan Signal is that they talk with two guests with expertise in a related field, and have a discussion on a recent topic. I like this style because it brings two different perspectives to the table. It’s not a “debate”, but can see where guests may agree or disagree, or be able to add depth to each other’s responses
Bitcoin Fixes This
Bitcoin Fixes This has two types of content. Normally, it’s a quick and simple weekly update about news from from the world of bitcoin, as written in Jimmy Song’s weekly newsletter Bitcoin Tech Talk. His weekly show discusses recent events related to Bitcoin, both technical and social, mixed with Jimmy’s opinion on those events.
Occasionally, he also does long-form interviews with experts in a diverse range of and how Bitcoin could have an impact on those industries. For example, in past episodes he’s talked to people in the fields of regenerative farming, medicine, music, and anti-war activism.
Jimmy Song is a long time bitcoiner, and a subdued, competent voice of reason in the space.
Orange Pill Podcast
Hold your hat, because the Orange Pill Podcast is a wild one. Featuring Stacy Herbert and Max Kaiser, who have been telling people to buy bitcoin since the early 2010’s, Orange Pill Podcast holds nothing back. These are the folks who went on tour with a live Bitcoin show titled F*ck Elon Musk after he famously declared that Tesla wouldn’t accept bitcoin payments until they were green enough, and he lead thousands of innocent nocoiners off a cliff of shitcoinery by promoting dogecoin to his tens of millions of followers.
Max and Stacy are OGs in the bitcoin space, and Orange Pill is a fun podcast to listen to.
Max used to work on Wall Street, and is very familiar with the global banking and financial industry. They cover a diverse range of topics, but if I had to pin them down to a description, I’d say they focus on banking, finance, money, and the societal ramifications of living in a bitcoinized world. They frequently riff on things like freedom and other anti-government slogans.
OPP has two styles of episodes. One is full interviews, with an introduction discussion, interview, and closing remarks, while the other is called “Micro Dose”, and is Max and Stacy riffing on a topic and interacting with fans of the podcast.
Citadel Dispatch
A personal favorite of mine, Citadel Dispatch is run by Matt Odell, who you’ll recognize as being cohost of Rabbit Hole Recap. I’m a big fan of Citadel Dispatch because they focus on actionable bitcoin discussion, meaning they want you to actually use bitcoin. This is not just another Bitcoin philosophy podcast! They discuss things like bitcoin privacy practices, home mining, running a lightning node, and of course, open source software.
This is a pretty technical podcast, and can run 3-4 hours in length for each episode, so it’s not for everyone, but I think it’s worth dipping your toes into from time to time. We can’t reach a hyperbitcoinzed world without people actually learning how to use bitcoin.
I really like that Matt recognizes the nuance and tradeoffs of every topic covered, and doesn’t dwell on things like drama on social media or price talk. Citadel Dispatch is a bitcoin podcast for bitcoiners.
Compass Podcast
The only mining-focused podcast on this list, Compass Podcast is a great example of a niche within a niche. Even just talking about bitcoin miners alone, and ignoring everything else about the bitcoin industry, you can go deep down the bitcoin mining rabbit hole. Some example topics they cover include how to reuse waste heat as a home miner, energy use and ESG, public mining company financing and business strategy, ASIC market dynamics, mining infrastructure, and region-specific mining dynamics.
The hosts are very knowledgable and the podcast is light and fun. I’m a fan of it because it’s a unique take on the bitcoin space, and they interview people you don’t often hear from in other podcasts. Some other podcasts tend to have the same folks cycle through consistently, but I find that with Compass, they break that cycle by talking to industry-specific people.
Technically, they are a “proof of work mining” podcast, but it ends up being predominantly about Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Rapid Fire
I think Bitcoin Rapid Fire started as one thing, and ended up as another, because there’s nothing “rapid-fire” about this podcast. It’s pretty chill, long-form discussions with bitcoiners, with a focus on what implications bitcoin has for the world around us. Regardless, it’s a good podcast I listen to on a regular basis.
Hosted by John Vallis, this bitcoin podcast considers the nature of money and our relationship with it. It looks at the role of government in our lives, and how has fiat changed how we save, invest, consume, and interact with each other . John is a truth-seeker, and looks for the deeper meaning behind an incorruptible money and how it will change the future.
Bitcoin Explained (Previously The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado)
Quick and to the point, Aaron Van Wirdem and Sjors Provoost are highly technical individuals , and don’t beat around the bush in Bitcoin Explained. Episodes only run 30-50 minutes long usually, and discuss one technical topic about bitcoin. For example, on a recent episode the talked exclusivelj about the government-run Chivo app that launched in El Salvador after Bitcoin became legal tender there.
In previous episodes, they covered topics like how nodes and miners should signal support for Taproot upgrade, then how that upgrade should be activated within the code, lightning network routing, RGB tokens, softchains, drivechains, and spacechains – and that’s exactly why I love this podcast – they talk about all kinds of things that no other podcast covers because it’s too esoteric for the average bitcoin user. You may hear 10+ other podcasts talk about China banning bitcoin mining or how bitcoin is a better investment than low-yielding bonds, but there’s not many places to go if you want to learn the basics of how a bitcoin address works, or what the hell sighash_anyprevout is.
Though technical in nature, if you’re somewhat familiar with bitcoin basics, you can make it though an episode and understand what’s going on.
The Bitcoin Standard
Brought to you by none other than the author of seminal book by the same name, The Bitcoin Standard podcast is hosted by Saifedean Ammous. The focal point of this bitcoin podcast is looking at how hard-money can change our fiat-money society. Fiat nutrition, fiat architecture, fiat education, and fiat farming are names that Saifedean has given our current broken models being promoted by globalist bureaucrats.
Saifedean doesn’t mince his words, and lays into government failures and idiotic cultural trends which he believes stem from the fiat mindset. When the base layer of society (money) is broken, it produces perverse incentives, corrupting the people and institutions built upon it.
I’m a fan of the Bitcoin Standard podcast because Saif has a unique perspective on the world, and is very articulate about his opinions. He has some very interesting insights into how he things bitcoin can change the future in a positive way. For me, part of my passion for bitcoin is thinking about how the world will be different decades down the road as bitcoin adoption grows.
The Investors Podcast (Bitcoin Fundamentals)
It would be nice if they had their own podcast feed, but Bitcoin Fundamentals, as part of The Investors Podcast, is a great one to listen to as well. Preston Pysh, takes more of an economic and investing look at Bitcoin. With guests, they cover things like events around the world and how it affects investments, and Bitcoin compared to different types of investments like equities or bonds. If you want to understand Bitcoin’s place in the world today and in the future, I’d recommend this one.
Lightning Junkies
One of my favorite things about bitcoin is that there’s always a new rabbit hole to go down, and many rabbit holes go deep. The lightning network is one of those rabbit holes, and Lightning Junkies is a great example of that. 5-6 years ago, who would have guessed that you’d have lightning-only companies and content. This is a podcast dedicated to learning about the layer-2 technology built on top of bitcoin!
Lightning is a beast on its own. There are lightning gaming companies, lightning wallets, lightning voice and chat apps, and more. You can run your own lightning node and manage your own channels, or use it for instant and free cross-border payments. If you thought it was still early for bitcoin, Lightning really is on the cusp of innovation.
I suspect there will be more lightning-only companies and content in the future, but for now, Lightning Junkies is the only one I know of. They release content consistently and have a unique set of guests due to the nature of their content. I wouldn’t consider this too technical of a podcast, but they do talk about lightning-specific technology and applications, which I appreciate. It’s not just another “how bitcoin will change the world” type of podcast, and they talk to folks actually working and building in the space.
What Bitcoin Did
What Bitcoin Did is probably the most popular Bitcoin podcast by listenership, and that’s reflected in the public income statements posted by host Peter McCormack, who is also very active on Twitter and within bitcoin events. The interesting thing about What Bitcoin Did is that the host is a Bitcoin “newbie” and is learning about it, live on air, by interviewing guests. Of course, he knows more than the average person since he runs a Bitcoin podcast, but he keeps the level of discussion at a very basic level to make is accessible to newcomers to Bitcoin.
The basic language and discussion is probably why this podcast is so popular, along with the fact that McCormack does a really good job of breaking down episodes into specific, interesting topics.
Plus, they have great aesthetics, and have a tendency to have high profile guests like Gary Vaynerchuk, Peter Schiff, and the president of El Salvador. WBD was also the first to interview Michael Saylor after his company Microstrategy decided to dedicate their entire company treasury to Bitcoin, and set up controversial discussion about “toxic bitcoin maximalism”, and other controversial guests.
I love to recommend their Beginner’s Guide To Bitcoin series as a long-form listen to newcoiners who want to spend the time to learn the high-level basics.
Closing The Loop
Closing The Loop is another podcast hosted by John Vallis, sponsored by the SeeTee organization. It’s hard to pin down a specific theme for this podcast other than looking at how bitcoin is changing the world around us, and what the future holds for bitcoiners. It’s not technical in nature, and less freedom/philosophy focused than Valli’s other podcast from above. Closing The Loop is a great easy listen, with interesting guests.
Recent episodes covered topics like bitcoin mining and energy grids, the emerging lighting economy, and bitcoin financial services.
The “What Is Money” Show
Bitcoin is money, so although The “What Is Money?” Show isn’t about Bitcoin exclusively, I’ll include it in this list. Episodes are released in “series”, organized by person, rather than topic. Each interview lasts several hours in length, sometimes 10+ hours long, so you may get several 1-2 hour episodes from a single person with expertise on a specific topic.
For example, Robert Breedlove, the host, talks with Jeff Booth, the author of The Price of Tomorrow for 9 episodes about deflationary technology and its impact on society. He also chatted with Dominic Frisby, author of Daylight Robbery, about taxation and the state for 8 episodes, He does have some one-off interviews, but the most popular shows tend to be the extended series.
The must-listen series is the 15-episode (30+ hour) interview with Michael Saylor, about the history of money as a technology and the impact that a hard, incorruptible money like Bitcoin will have on our society. Give the first episode a listen, and if you like it, you’ll love the rest. It’s a monster of a listen, but will reshape how you think about Bitcoin and money.
The Bitcoin Matrix
I really like listening to The Bitcoin Matrix because the host, Cedric Youngelman asks very interesting questions of his guests. To be honest, after listening to hours and hours of podcasts from the ones I’ve listed on the page, I sometimes start to get deja vu with the same things being asked over and over again. With The Bitcoin Matrix, I know that I’ll get some fresh ideas and perspectives from guests as Cedric challenges them with unique topics and ideas to discuss.
He doesn’t have a “niche” within the Bitcoin podcast world, so I’d label this as just a general anything Bitcoin podcast, but definitely worth adding to your roster to subscriptions.
2022 Favorite! The Kevin Rooke Show
My newest favorite podcast from 2022 is The Kevin Rooke Show. He focuses exclusively on lighting topics. He’s also a great person to follow on Twitter for updates on his progress in the value-for-value model of podcasting over the lightning network and other lightning updates. Did you know that there are currently over 5,000 podcasts on lightning?
I love that an entire podcast can exists exclusively about lightning. It really shows how much this layer 2 technology has progressed.
Kevin asks smart questions and interviews unique people you won’t hear from on the other podcast rounds. For example, I enjoyed his recent podcast with Moon creator Ken Kruger, who is working with Visa to allow for online shopping via lightning anywhere Visa is accepted. Other topics and guests include Justin Rezvani, who is building the social media app Zion on lightning, and Hussein Badakhchani, who is building an app called Noah to get people on a bitcoin standard at the individual level.
2023 Favorite! Bitcoin Dad Pod
As of 2023, I haven’t really found any new bitcoin podcasts I like that aren’t just the same old information hashed out over and over again, with the exception of Bitcoin Dad Pod. I’ve only listened to a few episodes so far, but I’m becoming a big fan already.
For example, in a recent episode they went through point by point, discussing a so-called “take down” of bitcoin, which is something I really haven’t seen in a lot of other podcasts. There’s a ton of new podcasts out there which are basically discussing the news of the week in bitcoin, which I guess is OK, but isn’t really anything new. It’s obvious these two guys put in the work.
The style of the pod is also in my wheelhouse, with methodical discussion from knowledgable hosts that covers every aspect of a topic, unlike many other podcasts which are just a couple of friends shouting over each other in a kind of directionless party chat as they struggle to stay on topic.
Anyway, I haven’t listened to a ton of episodes so I’ll update this section as I have more to say, but I wanted to let you guys know about this one ASAP.
Bitcoin Podcasts I Listen To From Time To Time
I’ve listened to these podcasts a few times, but not a on a regular basis. I like them, but just haven’t found the time. I’ll include my impressions of them, but it’s just my personal opinion based on a few listens.
The Unhashed Podcast
The Unhashed Podcast is all over the place, and is mostly bitcoin focused, but not always. Lots of memes and jokes here. This seems to be a favorite of some bitcoin OGs, but I haven’t gotten around to listening to it yet.
Bitcoin Takeover (BTC TKVR)
Every 10 episodes of Bitcoin Takeover is a new season with a theme. For example, they interviewed a bunch of different hardware wallet developers one season, and another season was about personal sovereignty, freedom, and Bitcoin philosophy topics. I really like their recent season which is all about NFTs on Bitcoin.
I’m listening to this one more, since they seem to get unique guests and talk about unique topics. I also like that Vlad Costea seems to have some unique perspectives on Bitcoin and Bitcoin technology. He’s a thoughtful critic in the space, and Bitcoin Takeover is a podcast worth listening to for deep dives into specific areas of the bitcoin ecosystem.
Bitcoin Spaces Live
Bitcoin Spaces Live is a podcast put out by Bitcoin Magazine, and they have discussions on relevant topics over Twitter Spaces. This podcast has a more interactive feel to it since they can take live questions from the audience, and they can drop podcasts on time-relevant topics in an instant.
Bitcoin And Markets
I really like Ansel Lindner’s Bitcoin & Markets podcast because he has some very unique takes among bitcoiner voices. This podcast is about bitcoin and the macroeconomy. However, he doesn’t put out material all the time, so it may be months between podcasts. His newsletter is more consistent though. Definitely worth following.
Dr. Bitcoin
I actually listened to the whole series of Dr. Bitcoin, but the reason I’m listing it here is because I’m not sure if it will be a continual podcast series due to the nature of the topic. They cover the history of, and current antics of someone falsely claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto in great detail. It’s a really fun and shocking podcast to listen to.
More Bitcoin Podcasts
There is a shit ton of bitcoin podcasts out there, so I’m just doing a running list now as I discover them. These days I’m quite busy with two kids and a business, with less time in the gym to listen to podcasts. I basically only listen to Rabbit Hole Recap and Bitcoin Dad Pod every week, then pick and choose from my favorite feeds (reviewed above) as I have time.
- Blockstream Talk
- Coin Stories
- Bitcoin Magazine Podcast
- Once BITten
- Wake Up Podcast
- Citizen Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Echo Chamber
- Join The Wasabikas
- Blue Collar Bitcoin
- One Love Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Basics
- The Keyvan Davani Connection
- The Chaincode Podcast
- Bitcoin Rehab
- Down The Rabbit Hole
- Ungovernable Misfits
- Bitcoin Reserve Podcast
- Reject The Frame
- Bitcoin Kindergarten
- Inside Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Will Save Us
- Britcoiners
- The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast
- Talking in Bits
- The Anita Posch Show
- The Bitcoin Breakout
- Hard Money, Hard Knox
- Two Bit Idiots
- Live From Bitcoin Beach
- THE Bitcoin Podcast (original name, right? come on, guys)
- Pod256
- The Bitcoin Frontier Podcast
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who Should I Follow For Bitcoin Advice?
You shouldn’t follow any single person for advice for bitcoin. There are many conflicting opinions on what’s good or bad for bitcoin, how to buy and custody bitcoin, and many other topics. Listen to many different influencers, read plenty of articles, listen to a variety of podcasts, and make decisions for yourself.
What’s The Number One Podcast For Bitcoin?
The number one bitcoin podcast is What Bitcoin Did with Peter McCormack.